Terms & Conditions



I will be submitting my artwork(s) (“Work(s)”) on consignment for sale at the 2024 SMFA at Tufts annual Art Sale (the “Art Sale”).  I understand that the following terms and conditions apply to this submission(s):

  1. I am voluntarily submitting my Work(s) for the Art Sale.
  2. I guarantee that all my Work(s) are my original works of art, and I am not infringing on any rights of third parties; I guarantee that I own the Work(s), and have full authority to submit the Work(s) for sale; and that the Work(s) that I am submitting to the Art Sale were created by me independently, and not as an independent contractor or employee of the Trustees of Tufts College (“Tufts”) or the SMFA at Tufts.
  3. I understand that Tufts University is responsible for insuring all art work left in its possession.
  4. In connection with such submission(s), I am donating a percentage of the proceeds received from any sale of the Work(s), as indicated on my completed registration form, to the Trustees of Tufts College (“Tufts”), and those proceeds shall benefit the SMFA at Tufts and its programs, faculty and students.
  5. I authorize Tufts to sell the Work(s) that I am submitting to the Art Sale for the price(s) I have set for each Work.
  6. I understand that, if the Work(s) are sold, I will be receiving an acknowledgement from Tufts for the donation I am making to Tufts in compliance with applicable law.
  7. I agree that if any of my Work(s) are not sold at the Art Sale, I will pick up the unsold Work(s) before December 20th, following the completion of the Art Sale. I understand that if I do not pick up all the unsold Work(s) during this time, or during a period of 60 days following, the remaining Work(s) will become the property of Tufts and Tufts may donate, sell, assign or otherwise dispose of such remaining Work(s) in its discretion without any notice or payment to me.
  8. I understand that, as a self-employed individual, it is my obligation to pay applicable income, social security, Medicare and any other statutory-mandated taxes required by State and Federal laws in connection with the proceeds from the Art Sale.
  9. As a condition to submitting my Work(s) for sale at the Art Sale, I will complete and submit all needed information through PaymentWorks.



I hereby grant to Tufts University, its officers, and employees (collectively referred to herein as “University”) and its agents and assigns the worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable right to: (i) photograph, videotape or otherwise record or capture the artwork described below (the “Artwork”) and/or the image, likeness and/or the voice the undersigned (collectively, the “Materials”) and (ii) reproduce, distribute, display, create derivative works of and otherwise use such Materials for and in connection with the University’s public relations, publicity, promotional, fundraising and recruitment purposes, by any means, methods and media (website, social media sites, print and electronic) now known or in the future developed that the University deems appropriate.

I make this grant of rights with the understanding that no compensation will be paid to me by the University for such grant. 
I understand and agree that all right, title and interest in the Materials shall remain with the University, but the underlying copyright in the Artwork shall remain with me. The University shall, to the extent reasonably possible, provide proper attribution to the Artwork in any use of the Materials. I also understand that the University is not actually required to use the Materials in any way.

This agreement will be governed by the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and represents the final and exclusive agreement between the University and me on this subject.

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